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The story of ‘Love, Maria’ follows Miguel, a Guatemalan immigrant that as a child moved to England in the late 1940s, since then he has been living by himself trying to get by with an identity that at the time was considered unacceptable. When Miguel moved to England, he changed his name to try and fit into society. Michael always septs a part of himself hidden, and never discussed it with anyone, yet he was always kept under close supervision. He often gets mistreated, for one thing, so he keeps his true identity a secret, he is well aware that what he is feeling is not normal. His days are filled with remarks by his employer, and everyone else that he comes across, about his race and stereotypes that do not reflect who he truly is, so staying hidden seems like the best idea. 

Love, Maria is a project very close and dear to my heart, it is the first script I have ever written and the first short film I have ever directed, and it was not an easy task. Completing this project, we faced many challenges as well as some failures so it’s safe to say that Love, Maria is a narrative that I would like to pursue in the future with more knowledge and technical skills.


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