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The Project ‘The seven “Deadly” sins’ was one of my first installation type work. This was my final project in my Arts, Design, and Media foundation course. For this final project I wanted to explore a different topic, The Seven “Deadly” sins I wanted to bring something old with a negative concept, to something with a new light and something more positive. This installation included a handmade neon light installation that includes all of the “Deadly” sins in a circle, representing a cycle: Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, and Sloth. The seven “Deadly” sins bring something negative to things that we as humans tend to do daily, in this project I wanted to experiment with a tight color palette for each one of the 7 films that I developed, making them noticeably different one to another.


For the project, I wanted to experiment with some sort of analog footage or analog type of feel, which I achieved with the projected pictures on the wall, that became the opening scenes for each of the sins, as well as having my film displayed on al old TV monitor.

The soundtrack was also essential for this film; I used different bishops talking about the 7 sins to give a feeling of something negative with something positive like very up-beat music complemented with an angry man talking about something negative that would eventually lead us to our doom.

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